The concept behind this residence stems from certain regional practices interpreted to a modern setting. The planning of a vernacular existence, this residence defines traditional housing. The house has a large courtyard with a pool in the middle. The rooms extend out to the courtyard which is developed as a private entertainment zone. Strip windows have been added to further adhere to the concept of flowing spaces. The roof is developed as a secondary open space connected to the main courtyard. This idea emerges from the ‘Lahori Kotha’. There is a clear demarcation of private and public zones in the house.  Using simple perpendicular grid lines the residence is simple and aesthetically balanced. Another interesting feature of the house is its terracotta red color which grants it the name. The color is earthy, rich and warm, thus ideal for a residence. It uses a combination of textures ranging from stone to wood to bamboo; integrating it with modern materials such as glass and concrete in the façade and other parts of the house. Complimented with green, it sits on the site set apart from the rest.


Mohammed Ali


Khalid Rauf